A series of print ads and large displays for Eurobank EFG.
1. ‘Enjoy Swiss conditions in Greece. Premium Private Banking services by Eurobank.’ (print ad)
The visual was created in adobe photoshop with the combination of image bank slides.
2. ‘Invest in the best local products. Eurobank Asset Management.’ (print ad)
The visual was created in adobe photoshop with the combination of photography and image bank slides.
3. ‘Cyprus Altius Fortius. Best Private Bank in Cyprus.’ (print ad)
The visual was created in C4D.
4. ‘Cyprus. Your window to worldwide business opportunities.’ (Larnaka Airport Display)
The visual was created in C4D and the London backround in adobe photoshop with image bank slides.
5. ‘The center of our Universe. Eurobank Securities Services.’ (print ad)
The visual was created with an image bank slide as it served perfectly the concept.
ServicesArt Director at Mullen Lowe AthensYear2009-2014Linkhttp://www.athens.mullenlowe.com